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I'm looking to supplement the ranks of our gaming group.  At least 18 years or older, experience optional (I've been teaching kids the way of the nerd for years), and no race, gender, or orientation, etc. issues.

A little background is in order... I've been role playing, primarily D&D since since first edition (elves were a class), DMing/GMing since the 80's on three continents, in four states.

I like in depth stories, bold story arcs punctuated by fun simple dungeon runs. I like players to add to the narrative and create cohesive teams (fantasy or superhero)-- PCs can disagree but players should attempt to work together.

D&D has stood the test of time, the system is pretty streamline (good bye THAC0) and flexible-- few other systems are so equipped.

House rules are sensible, table rules as well. I loathe the cell phone addiction as they tend to distract and cause tension ("When did that happen!? [when you we're playing Candy Crush] I wouldn't have cast that if I'd known!!") and disagreements can be solved, rules seriously analyzed  after the session (some players have limited time). Also stow the meta-gaming and min-maxing, play to your strengths and PC concept.

Imagination and sense of humor are a plus.

We tend to play twice a month as many at the table have job and family constraints and we adapt schedules and locations with group input. I'm not a serial gamer, that is, I don't play or run so many campaigns that a game is just a game.

If interested reach out, please.



Vancouver, WA 98686


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